WIEN2k はオーストリア・ウィーン工科大学で開発された、密度汎関数法(DFT)による固体電子構造計算プログラムです。球対称近似ポテンシャル形状を使用せず、線形化された拡張平面波法に局在軌道を拡張した(L)APW+lo法を採用した高精度なバンド構造計算が可能です。またDFT計算において、スピン局所密度近似(LDA)もしくは一般化密度勾配近似(GGA)の改良版を使用でき、相対論効果を考慮した全電子計算も可能です。その他にも数多くの機能が提供されています。最新バージョンはWIEN2k_18.2です。
Version 18.2 is a minor update as compared to WIEN2k_18.1. There are only a couple of bug fixes as listed below and upgrade from 18.1 is only necessary for gfortran users and programs 3ddens, nlvdw, pes. Below are the most important changes due to WIEN2k_18.1:
We want in particular thank Gavin Abo and Pavel Ondracka for their efforts to fix bugs and improve the performance of the code.
Please remember: We have changed the list of Authors of WIEN2k. In order to acknowledge their support over many years, we have included Robert Laskowski, Fabien Tran and Laurence D. Marks as official co-authors. The official citation of WIEN2k should be changed to:
P. Blaha, K. Schwarz, G. K. H. Madsen, D. Kvasnicka, J. Luitz, R. Laskowski, F. Tran and L. D. Marks, WIEN2k, An Augmented Plane Wave + Local Orbitals Program for Calculating Crystal Properties (Karlheinz Schwarz, Techn. Universität Wien, Austria), 2018. ISBN 3-9501031-1-2
Besides several new features and small bug fixes, particular important changes are:
afmsim: A small program which calculates Atomic-force-microscopy (AFM) images using the “virtual tip” approximation from the 3D-coulomb potential above a surface.
3ddens: a new module to calculate the density/potential on a 3D grid (thanks to Thomas Ruh). It uses fft and is orders of magnitude faster than the previous python-script prepare_xsf. In addition it can also calculate “constant current” STM images by interpolation of the z-position for a constant density.
nlvdw: large improvement in speed due to fftw (thanks to Thomas Ruh and Fabien Tran).
mixer: new version 9.4 by L.D.Marks. Please read the doku inside SRC_mixer.
pes:a new module which calculates valenceband photoelectron spectra at variable photon energies (thanks to Mahdiyar Bagheri).
*_lapw scripts: various improvements, in particular new switches allow to calculate various potentials in lapw5/3ddens without messing around with files or the def file directly (see eg. x lapw5 -h); run_lapw -it recovers automatically from “Cholesky” or “band range” errors; .minstart file start force minimization on the fly;
GLLB-SC potential: The GLLB-SC potential (see Kuisma et al., Phys. Rev. B 82, 115106 (2010)) has been implemented (thanks to Fabien Tran). It gives much more accurate band gaps (after adding the XC-discontinuity) than standard LDA or GGA (see Tran et al., Phys. Rev. Materials 2, 023802 (2018) )
To update from previous versions you can either download and install the complete package (highly recommended when upgrading from a rather old version) or download and update only individual packages (the ones which have been changed according to the list given below):
SRC_w2web: just expand: gunzip SRC_w2web.tar.gz;tar -xvf SRC_w2web.tar
SRC: expand and cp the respective shell-script to $WIENROOT: gunzip SRC.tar.gz;tar -xvf SRC.tar;cp SRC/CORRECTED_SCRIPT_lapw .
For all other packages (Fortran programs) use the “update” option of siteconfig_lapw.
The following updates have been made:
VERSION_18.2: 17.7.2018
SRC: siteconfig_lapw (specification of libxc-directory is now possible, parallel-compiler saved); userconfig_lapw (when userconfig was done before, it will explain that it will remove all previous lines between WIEN2k start – end.); x_lapw (different unit number for 3ddens-xsf file).
SRC_3ddens: output-bug fixed (when smaller cells than the full UC is requested); bug-fix for reduction (3x3x3 NN); check for too small grid sizes (it first issues only a warning, but stops when the corresponding FK is .gt. 0); fix for “no” in case.in3d.
SRC_lapw0: Makefile.orig (support for libxc-lib directory)
SRC_lapw1: jacdavblock.F (fix for write-problem with gfortran and iterative diag.)
SRC_nlvdw: numerical_gradient.F (allocation of array rho; note that ifort_18 has an “auto-reallocation” and thus it runs fine. ifort_16 or gfortran would have crashed).
SRC_pes: several fixes as discussed in the mailing list (uninitialized variables, gfortran compatibility).
9.1より、fftw2を使用したMPI_LAPWが強化されました。年4回程度、非定期的に更新されます。8.2以前のバージョンは、intel compiler10.0以降は非対応です。かなり修整が入りました。
特に目立った変更は、init_lapwでspinをどうするか質問される点です。08.3までと同じように計算する場合、non magneticを選択し、over rightはy/NでdefaultはNになっていますが、Yを選択して下さい。
init_lapwによって08.3までのstructファイルを09.2のstructファイルにオーバーライトしないと run_lapwで09.2までは、フォルトしましたが、WIEN2k_10.1では動作するようになりました。
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