Red Hat(R) Enterprise Linux

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名称: Red Hat Enterprise Linux
バージョン:RHEL 8.3
Anaconda rebased to version 33.16
With this release, Anaconda has been rebased to version 33.16. This version provides the following notable enhancements over the previous version.
  • The Installation Program now displays static IPv6 addresses on multiple lines and no longer resizes the windows.
  • The Installation Program now displays supported NVDIMM device sector sizes.
  • Host name is now configured correctly on an installed system having IPv6 static configuration.
  • You can now use non-ASCII characters in disk encryption passphrase.
  • The Installation Program displays a proper recommendation to create a new file system on /boot, /tmp, and all /var and /usr mount points except /usr/local and /var/www.
  • The Installation Program now correctly checks the keyboard layout and does not change the status of the Keyboard Layout screen when the keyboard keys (ALT+SHIFT) are used to switch between different layouts and languages.
  • Rescue mode no longer fails on systems with existing RAID1 partitions.
  • Changing of the LUKS version of the container is now available in the Manual Partitioning screen.
  • The Installation Program successfully finishes the installation without the btrfs-progs package.
  • The Installation Program now uses the default LUKS2 version for an encrypted container.
  • The Installation Program no longer crashes when a Kickstart file places physical volumes (PVs) of a Logical volume group (VG) on an ignoredisk list.
  • Introduces a new mount path /mnt/sysroot for system root. This path is used to mount / of the target system. Usually, the physical root and the system root are the same, so /mnt/sysroot is attached to the same file system as /mnt/sysimage. The only exceptions are rpm-ostree systems, where the system root changes based on the deployment. Then, /mnt/sysroot is attached to a subdirectory of /mnt/sysimage. It is recommended to use /mnt/sysroot for chroot.
  • キャンペーン情報
  • ご購入前のお問合せ
  • 見積り依頼



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