Automated Exploration of Chemical Reaction Pathways
GRRM ∼Global Reaction Route Mapping∼

GRRM developed by K. Ohno and S. Maeda enables one to follow all reaction pathways from an equilibrium (EQ) point towards structures of transition states (TS) surrounding the EQ point. Subsequent downward followings from already found TSs can easily be made as conventional intrinsic reaction coordinate (IRC) followings to reach some EQ points and dissociation channels (DC).

GRRM innovates compound synthesis method by automated exploration of chemical reaction pathways based on precise quantum chemistry calculation.


N-atoms system has 3N-6 dimensional potential energy surfaces(PES).
Reaction pathways follows the direction that ADD in PES increases.
Algorithm and Map
The pathways around EQ can be discovered at minima on the scaled hypersphere which would have a constant energy when the potentials are harmonic.


Cooperating with quantum chemistry programs such as Gaussian 03/09 and Molpro, GRRM enables one to perform high speed exploration of chemical reaction pathways in 3N-6 dimensional potential energy surfaces (which was previously limited to 4 atoms) by scaled hypersphere search (SHS) method which is based on anharmonic downward distortion (ADD).


Optimization of EQ
EQ structures can be optimized by SIRFO and BFGS methods.
Optimization of TS
TS structures can be optimized by SIRFO and Bofill’s methods.
IRC search
IRC can be traced by Page and McIver methods.
One step TS search
An efficient search of via a TS between a reactant and a product without any initial guess.
Intermediate search
Hipershpere-contraction-mode SHS enables one to explore the multi-step reaction pathways.
Excited-state analysis
Minimum energy points on seems of crossings can be searched. With a help of Molpro, excited potential energy surfaces can be searched more effectively.
Large ADD following (LADD)
A very efficient (1/5∼1/10) search of lower lying structures can be made by the LADD algorithm.
ONIOM and various QM&MM methods
ONIOM as well as various methods available in the Gaussian program can be used as options in combination with the above techniques.
In connection with QM&MM, the microiteration technique can be used to reduce the computational demands drastically, and it extends the range of application of GRRM considerably.

How to obtain GRRM

Free of charge for academic users. HPC SYSTEMS Inc. sells GRRM-ready servers.

GRRM Free Trial

GRRM Free Trial is provided for the purpose of promotion of research use and industry use of GRRM.
It is only for people who are intended to actually use GRRM.


GRRM of CH3NO system
Exploring Glycine synthesis pathways
Designing Alanine D-L conversion pathways
Multistep reaction pathways of C20 cluster
Stereoselectivity catalyst on Chiral system
Chiral system
Structural transition of protonated H2O octet cluster
H2O octet cluster